• Add the VP-ASP Tables

  • Load the configuration table with default values

  • Optionally add the demo shop values

  • Creating the SQL Server – Query Analyzer
    The database needs to be created using SQL Server Query Analyzer or your web hosting company sometimes creates the database for you. Query Analyzer comes as part of the Microsoft SQL Server Product and is not supplied by VP-ASP.

    1 Query Analyzer Creation
    Simply start Query Analyzer. Open the file create500sqlserver.sql and run the script. It should take about ten seconds. The database and the tables are now created. Continue in the step to load default Configuration
    Updating Shop$config.asp
    The shop$config.asp settings should be as follows:
    xSQLServer=”www.yoursite.com” or IP Address in form “”


    Web Hosting company has created the database
    If your web hosting company has already created the database and you DO NOT have the ability to use Query Analyzer, then VP-ASP supplies a tool called convertsql.asp. This tool can be used to REPLACE query analyzer for doing some tasks. It cannot create the database.
    It can build the tables and load the default configuration. It can also load the demo shop if required.
    To use convertsql.asp, you must first tell VP-ASP where the empty SQL Server database is located by changing these lines in shop$config.asp
    xSQLServer=”www.yoursite.com” or IP Address in form “111.22.333.90”
    Regardless of which method you have built the tables (QUERY analyzer or using convertsql), you must now load the tables with the VP-ASP base configuration values

    Building SQL Server Tables

    Type in the filename

    You will see messages being displayed telling you the tables that are being created. If you get an error that the database cannot be read or written, check the shop$config statements above.
    Loading the Configuration File
    The next step is to load the default configuration options. Now start convertsql.asp by typing the location where you installed VP-ASP www.yoursite.com/shopping/convertsql.asp
    Type in file name below. This loads the initial configuration and language file

    Loading Demo Shop
    This step is only necessary if you want to “play” with VP-ASP demo shop. Otherwise it is not necessary. Use convertsql.asp and type in the filename create500demo.txt. This loads the database with the demo shop.

    Shop administration is for the merchant or web developer and not for the customer. The administration facilities include: Details of Administration are in the VP-ASP Merchan'ts Guide and VP-ASP Developers Guide.
    Two userids are defined:
    admin with password admin
    vpasp with password vpasp

    · Add, delete and modify products
    · Add, delete and modify any other VP-ASP table
    · Define administrator userids
    · Define menus and tasks for each administrator
    · Restrict administrators to viewing or updating specific tables
    · Display sales reports
    · Perform searches of the database
    · Export data from tables
    · Mail to selected customers
    · Configure most of VP-ASP options
    · Send messages to customers via order tracking
    and much more
    Firegl v3100 driver windows 10
    The first step is to verify the shop works by clicking on the shop. This should bring up the demo categories if the demo store is installed. If you simply want to play with the demo store, it will run immediately and no further configuration is required.
    To log into VP-ASP Administration, click on the Merchant Administration hyperlink. After you login go to Shop Configuration. Administration is used to:
    VP-ASP 'look and feel' are controlled by these files. The VP-ASP Developer's Guide goes into great detail on how to make VP-ASP look any way you want.
    shoppage_header.htm will be displayed as your top and or top/left navigation bars and logo.
    shoppage_trailer.htm will be displayed as your bottom navigation bars.
    shop$colors.asp has much of the HTML generated by VP-ASP
    shop.css is the style sheet used
    Shop Configuration
    The shop configuration is browser based. This means that you can login to VP-ASP Merchant Administration, Select Shop Configuration and start changing the options you require. See www.vpasp.com/virtprog/info/faq_configuration.
    The diagnostic facility, diag_dbtest.asp, can be used to determine if your database and mailing system are working. The fields displayed come from the configuration file shop$config.asp. You can play with different values. If you move the database, we recommend you run this diagnostic tool to verify the database can be read and written to.
    If diag_dbtest works, you should receive a message such as:
    VP-ASP Diagnostics 5.00
    Database ReadDatabase can be read
    Database WriteDatabase can be written
    Database PermissionsDatabase permissions tested OK
    SummaryNo problems reading or writing database

    Read Failures

    The possible causes are:

    1. xdblocation='abc' is not correctly set and VP-ASP is looking in the wrong location.

    2. The directory where the database is located does not have read/write permission

    3. You are using ODBC connection and the name in the configuration file
      xdatabase='odbcname' is spelled incorrectly.

    Write Failures
    Always occur with read failures. If the database can be read but not written then possible causes are:

    Vp-asp Shopping Cart 5.00 Software Installed

    1. The directory where the database is located does not have write permission.

    2. See the reasons outlined in the section before this.
      Check the FAQ at www.vpasp.com/virtprog/info/faq_databasesetup.htm